You’re ready to RISE into a brighter future- to explore new habits, new ideas, and new ways of being. Join award-winning writer, entrepreneur, and leadership expert Kerri Altom for ideas and strategies to help you RISE up for more impact, more income, and more influence in your life and leadership. In interviews with favorite authors, thinkers, and entrepreneurs, Kerri explores what it means to live a “good life”- to be in integrity, and to define success on your own terms. In solo shows, Kerri delivers helpful tools, and savvy tips from her popular program “The RISE Way™️”, strategies that will help you become the thriving leader you know you’re meant to be. It’s all designed to lift you up and light the way, so you can RISE and Shine into your ideal life.For more life and leadership inspiration, follow us on social media and check out www.theriseway.com.
You Are Powerful. Does that Scare You?
Kerri Altom
Season 1
Episode 2
What if I told you that you are powerful? And that your choices- to fall into fear, or to lean into love- can make a critical difference in the world. Would you believe me?
What if I told pointed to the many little privileges we enjoy every day and explained how somebody at sometime before had an idea or took an action or said a thing that made that possible. Then could you see the power of one?
Time to release the fear, my friends.