You’re ready to RISE into a brighter future- to explore new habits, new ideas, and new ways of being. Join award-winning writer, entrepreneur, and leadership expert Kerri Altom for ideas and strategies to help you RISE up for more impact, more income, and more influence in your life and leadership. In interviews with favorite authors, thinkers, and entrepreneurs, Kerri explores what it means to live a “good life”- to be in integrity, and to define success on your own terms. In solo shows, Kerri delivers helpful tools, and savvy tips from her popular program “The RISE Way™️”, strategies that will help you become the thriving leader you know you’re meant to be. It’s all designed to lift you up and light the way, so you can RISE and Shine into your ideal life.For more life and leadership inspiration, follow us on social media and check out www.theriseway.com.
22 episodes
Don't Give In to the Chaos. The First Step to Your Reset
“It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” -KrishnamurtiThe world is in a cycle of change. The last few years have been a swirling mass of chaos. From the Covid Pa...
Episode 22
Nobody Cares What Fork You Use, But There is This One Aspect of Etiquette That Always Matters
Modern etiquette can be empowering. Just start with this one rule, and you’re set. The rest- handshakes, eye contact, proper use of utensils- knowing these can boost your confidence and create more ease. But there is this one thing that is a...
Season 2
Episode 21
How Being Kind is a Radical Secret Weapon
In a time of so much turmoil, what if kindness can be revolutionary? What if kind thoughts and kind words could heal ourselves and the world? It can be hard to muster kindness when we’re feeling anxious, sad, ev...
Season 2
Episode 20
Are you procrastinating your life away? Change your story and get productive instead!
Everybody procrastinates. We have to. We can’t possibly do every single thing right now. But when we keep putting things off we’re often trying to protect ourselves from making mistakes or draining our energy.Too much p...
Season 2
Episode 19
The Absolutely Life Changing Money Story Switch
It starts with a money story switch, but the real payoff is more time, wellness, and ease. Your money stories reflect your experiences, beliefs, and goals. They shape your feelings, thoughts, and the actions you take. And because m...
Season 2
Episode 18
The True Story of Teens. It’s All About Growth: Theirs and Ours.
The teen years are tough, for all of us. But, as leaders, mentors, and parents of teens, there’s a lot we can do to support their resilience. And develop our own.Kerri’s conversation with Dr. Jen Doty explores ways t...
Season 2
Episode 17
Gratitude, How You Get More Than You Give
We’ve heard much ado about gratitude as a feeling that heals us. But the benefits of gratitude are bigger than that. In today’s episode, we talk about how expressing our gratitude sets off a chain reaction. Shar...
Season 2
Episode 16
Did You Know? Stories LITERALLY Change Your Mind!
Yep, stories change us. Literally. An engaging story starts a cascade of events in our bodies that alters our bodies at the molecular level. Our brains are re-wired, or as neuroscientists say, “live-wired.” And life chang...
Season 2
Episode 15
What is the Danger of a Single Story?
You'll never think of stories the same! Season 2 is about the power of stories- what our stories tell us about ourselves and the world, why our stories define our reality, and how we can use our stories to create a better life and ...
Season 2
Episode 14
The Secret of Our Stories? We RISE or Fall by Them
Our stories create the meaning of our life. Is your life meaning what you want it to? Are you using the power of story to lead your life? Because we rise or fall by our stories, and your bad story habits may be keeping you down.
Season 1
Episode 12
Let Go, Lead, & Say No- Secrets to Success with James Wedmore
Ready to lead your life on purpose? In this interview with my friend and business mentor James Wedmore you’ll learn three essential habits to grow as leaders and entrepreneurs. Drawing on his own experiences of growing his business from zero...
Season 1
Episode 11
Could This 3 Minute Habit Really Change Your Life?
You know that feeling of spinning out of control? Thinking and feeling WAY out of alignment with who you really are? You come back to your true self hours later and realize you’ve wasted so much time and energy. This super simple habit is...
Season 1
Episode 10
Ready to Lead Your Life on Purpose? A Framework is Key.
You can lead a more powerful life: have more impact on the important causes; be a better influence on the important people; and, earn more income to fund the important things in life. And you can do it with less effort and greater joy than ever...
Why This is The Perfect Time for Your Great Reset
The world really HAS changed forever, and this is the perfect time to create a new vision for your ideal future. In this episode we talk about why we need a great reset, and why you should get ready to ride the wave of positive change into a br...
Season 1
Episode 8
Indiana Jones and Your Quest for Integrity
We're going on an adventure! We discover a weakness even heroes have. When we do this it undermines our integrity, and it prevents us from achieving our goals. We dig in and explore this mistake with an Indiana Jones theme.In this...
Season 1
Episode 7
How to Encourage Your Instincts- The Integrity Gut Check Episode
You can’t have integrity if you don’t even know what your values are! A great way to get clarity on your values- your true, personal values- is to listen to your instincts. In this episode, Kerri shines a light on 3 things that interfere ...
Season 1
Episode 6
Integrity- You'll Never Believe WHO Actually Has It
Integrity is so important. Like the air we breathe, our integrity gives life to our relationships, our work, and the impact of our lives and dies by integrity. But, most of us aren’t REALLY sure what integrity even IS. Lis...
Season 1
Episode 5
3 Things I LOVE About Radical Love
As the world changes and opportunities shift, what's the best way to grow your positive impact and income without sacrificing your integrity? It begins and ends with LOVE. Radical love, love, love.In this episode of "R...
Season 1
Episode 4
Make Friends with Your Fears
We think our fears keep us safe, but really they keep us stuck! Kerri explores our fears- what fears are, and how ignoring and denying our fears sets us back. She offers a new strategy for dealing with our fear. Making friend...
Season 1
Episode 3
You Are Powerful. Does that Scare You?
What if I told you that you are powerful? And that your choices- to fall into fear, or to lean into love- can make a critical difference in the world. Would you believe me?What if I told pointed to the many little privileges we enjoy ev...
Season 1
Episode 2
The Power of Story- Kerri's Keeping it Real
Our stories are a powerful driver of our motivations, and they're often the source of our most deeply held values. Making sense of our experiences can be an exercise in creating meaning and defining our purpose. The facts of our s...
Season 1
Episode 1